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Jumat, 18 Februari 2011
ahmadiyah controversy in indonesia
Publishing SKB Ahmadiyah was not considered sufficient toconfirm the existence of Ahmadiyah in Indonesia. While publishingthe decree should be paid handsomely considering the Monasincident was perceived by many as the issuance of the decreedisegerakannya stimuli. Interestingly, by chance the decree was announced just a day after Munarman, commander of the Islamicexplained that was allegedly responsible for the Monas incident, surrendered. Though difficult to is called irony, many people who see that the surrender should be paid to the issue Munarman SKBAhmadiyah. Moreover, post-incident loss of Munarman Monas hadpubkk attention, involves a negotiation to the police: "disbandAhmadiyah before he surrendered. " The lack of government emphasis has been blamed as the triggerfor any violence that occurred on Ahmadiyah followers in severalregions of Indonesia, and the Monas incident June 1 is the topclimax. Although the government has provided an adequate explanation wise, that the state should not be defeated by violence perpetrated by any party because there is no reason whatsoever tocommit violence against citizens of another country, but publication of SKB Ahmadiyah has proven that "the state has been lost".However, SKB Ahmadiyah has been published and all elements ofsociety are obliged to respect it. Unfortunately, the publication of SKB Ahmadiyah previouslyconsidered as a solution to the pros cons of the existence ofAhmadiyah in Indonesia recently spawned new problems. SKB isseen as less assertive disband Ahmadiyya by some parties thatdemand the dissolution of Ahmadiyah is not actually stop, evenmore widespread occur everywhere. Ironically, when the adherents of the Ahmadiyya try to appreciate the issuance of the decree,instead of counter-party who violates one of the dictum ofdisebukan in the decree. And keep in mind that the decree did notonly ask the Ahmadiyah followers to stop all forms of teaching that"contrary to Islam", but also asked the community to maintainharmony and order in social life.
After the decree was published, this time spending demandsdissolution decree Ahmadiyah in Indonesia became the newdiscourse. If the incident is considered as pristiwa monumentsparked by delays in government issued a decree banningAhmadiyah, it is not impossible that similar incidents will occuragain, even bigger than that, to demand the issuance of decreedisbanding Ahmadiyya disegerakannya. A number of questionswill arise: is not it enough that it reinforces the existence of SKBAhmadiyah?, should decree issued to disband Ahmadiyah?, andhow the actual legal process and should be threatened verdictAhmadiyah disband?.
In a debate aired by Ahmadiyah controversy one private televisionstation, at least raises a question: why so complicated case than the case of the Ahmadiyya religious desecration done the same asthe Eden community and Ahmad Mushadieq?. This questionappears to mersepon an assertion that the case of AhmadMushadieq and Lia Eden has been solved so easily, not like a movement whose "muter-muter in situ aja", to borrow an expression of host of the debate. From the discourse whichemerged, the problem seems to be confused with the case ofAhmadiyah Ahmad Mushadieq and Lia Eden. If the allegations aretrue, then this will bring new problems.
The problem that I mean the obscurity associated withconstitutional guarantees of religious freedom in Indonesia. Theconstitution guarantees even less clear when the Ahmadis should be equated with the question and Ahmad Mushadieq Eden community. To clarify, Ahmad Mushadieq may need to be ruled outfirst, because his position at the Ahmadis who are still using Islamas an important variable. Meanwhile, the Eden community seems to be a new religion, and not on behalf of any religion. When using a shield of defense against Ahmadis human rights(human rights) which has been ratified konvenannya Indonesia, theAhmadiyah counter argue this case as a case that has nothing to do with human rights but a matter of religious desecration. Anegotiation arise, please Ahmadiyya evolved over not carry Islam.In other words, the Ahmadiyya have to form a new religion. If the problem lies in the use of one of the recognized religions inIndonesia as an institution to spread the teachings that are considered deviant, it is logical that the Ahmadis to form a newreligion. Then are then the problem will not arise if the Ahmadiyahhas formed a new religion, such as religion without the use of the Ahmadiyya Muslim frill? The same logic I use to see the case of the Eden community istaught Lia Aminuddin. That Leah was sentenced to jail as wellbecause they have tarnished the teachings of religion, how couldsuch a verdict could be given to Lia Aminuddin while he did notmake any religion as a variable to teach the faith. Eden communityhas nothing to do with Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism,Confucianism, or any religion that has been recognized inIndonesia. Thus, imprison Lia Aminuddin was an "evil law" a verybig if the legal consequences only apply to "evil cult" which usesone of the recognized religions in Indonesia as institus teachings. Back to the Ahmadiyya issue, how is it possible that a counterparty Ahmadiyya asked them to form a new religion?, forgottenthem by the Eden community is also regarded religion as they do not tarnish the name of any religion as an important variable inteaching?. If it does not matter when the Ahmadis to form a newreligion, why the Eden community must receive a legal sanction asa new religion?. One thing is quite important, as for example,Ahmadis are willing to form a new religion with situationalconsiderations, and this is possible in their beliefs, whether thosecons Ahmadiyya can tolerate various forms of ritual, like saying twosentences creed, praying five times, Al-Qur tadarrus 'an, zakat,and hajj?, or perhaps a counter-Ahmadiyya Muslims instead forcedto abandon all Ahmadiyah followers of Islamic teachings that theyalso believe in?, really can not imagine how the future if this is true.
What was experienced by Ahmadiyah is not impossible that will be experienced by other groups. In fact it should be realized, the Ahmadiyya faith is not the first group being judged, well in advancehas many other groups with different views with the greatestmaintrem suffer the same fate. Thus, it is normal that we ask: who the next victim after Ahmadiyya?, who else will get a similar decreeas experienced followers of Ahmadiyah?.
Pancasila Indonesia is a country which adopts diversity, not atheocracy government possessed only one religion. Therefore, it is appropriate that the government adopted a policy to formulate a set of rules and laws without the intervention of any religion andbelief to kemashlahatan all religions and beliefs that exist inIndonesia. This is not a matter of religious desecration, but amatter of freedom that should be upheld in a country adoptsdemocracy, or democracy in this country could have been dead?,wallahu a'lam bi al-Shawaf
Publishing SKB Ahmadiyah was not considered sufficient toconfirm the existence of Ahmadiyah in Indonesia. While publishingthe decree should be paid handsomely considering the Monasincident was perceived by many as the issuance of the decreedisegerakannya stimuli. Interestingly, by chance the decree was announced just a day after Munarman, commander of the Islamicexplained that was allegedly responsible for the Monas incident, surrendered. Though difficult to is called irony, many people who see that the surrender should be paid to the issue Munarman SKBAhmadiyah. Moreover, post-incident loss of Munarman Monas hadpubkk attention, involves a negotiation to the police: "disbandAhmadiyah before he surrendered. "
After the decree was published, this time spending demandsdissolution decree Ahmadiyah in Indonesia became the newdiscourse. If the incident is considered as pristiwa monumentsparked by delays in government issued a decree banningAhmadiyah, it is not impossible that similar incidents will occuragain, even bigger than that, to demand the issuance of decreedisbanding Ahmadiyya disegerakannya. A number of questionswill arise: is not it enough that it reinforces the existence of SKBAhmadiyah?, should decree issued to disband Ahmadiyah?, andhow the actual legal process and should be threatened verdictAhmadiyah disband?.
The problem that I mean the obscurity associated withconstitutional guarantees of religious freedom in Indonesia. Theconstitution guarantees even less clear when the Ahmadis should be equated with the question and Ahmad Mushadieq Eden community. To clarify, Ahmad Mushadieq may need to be ruled outfirst, because his position at the Ahmadis who are still using Islamas an important variable. Meanwhile, the Eden community seems to be a new religion, and not on behalf of any religion.
Pancasila Indonesia is a country which adopts diversity, not atheocracy government possessed only one religion. Therefore, it is appropriate that the government adopted a policy to formulate a set of rules and laws without the intervention of any religion andbelief to kemashlahatan all religions and beliefs that exist inIndonesia. This is not a matter of religious desecration, but amatter of freedom that should be upheld in a country adoptsdemocracy, or democracy in this country could have been dead?,wallahu a'lam bi al-Shawaf
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